Escentric Molecules – Lily Pebbles Sun, 01 Mar 2015 07:48:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 127286608 Autumn Perfume Picks Mon, 22 Oct 2012 08:01:00 +0000
Escentric Molecules ‘Molecule 01’  |  Stella McCartney ‘Stella’

I’ve stuck to the same perfumes for most of my adult life… so having these two in my life is quite exciting for me. Although these are not marketed specifically as Autumn perfumes, they are to me so that’s what I’m calling them! 

I mentioned this perfume in this video but I can’t believe I haven’t blogged about it yet. It was first brought to my attention by my number one enabler Anna when we went out for dinner. I was obsessed with her smell to the point of actually being weird and it wasn’t until she explained it to me that I forgave myself for being so stalker-like. Ruth wrote a great blog post on it here, but I’ll try give you a quick run down on it too. The perfume consists of one molecule (perfumes normally include thousands) and it claims to smell different on everyone. It’s also common for you to not be able to smell it properly on yourself, but… here’s the big but… other people are completely drawn to the smell. I thought this sounded a big gimmicky but it’s not, it really does work! I’ve had people stop me on the street to write down the name of it, I’ve had people buy it on their phone whilst talking to me across the table and I’ve experienced it myself when Anna wore it. It works. It’s a unisex fragrance so can smell quite masculine, but as a lover of fig perfumes it’s right up my street! I bought the £27 version which is supposed to be a refill, but if you don’t mind having no lid it’s the cheaper option! 

I’m not normally a fan of fragrances that everyone else seems to love. Stella is a fragrance so many people wear including Meg and Gemma. I was always really jealous of everyone who had the limited edition bottles from last year so when the new ones came out this year I had to go and check them out. There are 3 prints available in the very cute mini bottles and they are a reflection of her fashion line. So I was sold on the bottle and already wanted it, but I’m not one to buy things I wont use so I had to like the smell. I spritzed a bit on and walked around the Selfridges beauty hall. To my surprise it actually really suited me and after getting Rich and my mum’s approval I bought it. Actually, Rich very kindly bought it for as a present. It’s heavier and much more floral than perfumes I usually wear but I feel smart and important when I wear it and it makes me feel girly. 

Have you tried either of these? Have I made you intrigued by Molecule 01? 

Lily xx
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