HELLO 2017

Ok, let’s do this. I’m not one for posting outfit photos and then writing a blog post about something completely unrelated to said outfit photos… BUT, at the risk of never posting these snaps (because I really can’t think of anything interesting to say about them) I thought I’d combine two blog posts together and say HELLO to 2017.
It’s always at this time of year I get a big kick of inspiration. I have a bit of time off to get perspective on things and I start to really appreciate how lucky I am to love what I do. I struggle to stay away from the laptop and it’s a great thing really, wanting to work is something I am truly grateful for. Christmas is the only time of year where my emails aren’t going crazy and so I like to use the time and space to get ahead and start planning for the new year.
I’ve started a new bullet journal for 2017 which I’m really excited about. After bullet journalling for a whole year I feel like I can start 2017 with a really clear idea of what I want to get out of my journal. I’ll be doing a video on it this month so make sure you’re subscribed to my YouTube channel to see that. I’ve also tried to get into digital planning more, using my iCal to organise my life. I have a personal calendar just for me, one that’s shared with my manager, one that’s shared with Rich and now I also use it to plan my YouTube videos. I find using iCal makes planning really flexible, I can move things around whenever I need to, no tippex needed! I also rely a lot on the Reminders app that comes on the iPhone to make separated lists that are really easy to (literally) tick off.

I spent an entire day during the holidays to sort out my external hard drives, creating clear separate folders, removing anything unwanted, labelling each one and backing up my computers so everything is safe.
I’m feeling good. I’m feeling fresh and organised, but I’m also reminding myself that this is always how I feel at this time of year… then it tends to go downhill. But I’m going to try and stay on top of things this year. I have some big projects that I’m working on that both terrify me (like, literally make me want to cry at the thought of them) and excite me in equal measures. I feel like, at 29, I’m going to spend this year being unapologetically selfish, doing things I want to do, buying things I want to buy and enjoying time with my husband (yes, it’s still weird to say that!).
I’m excited to see what happens in this crazy industry and I’ll be watching and supporting those around me doing cool things! As always, I want you guys to be able to interact and engage with my content as much as possible. I read every single comment (even if I can’t always reply) and I’m always trying to find the balance between making content you guys want to consume and doing what I want and love. I’ve been churning out content for a long time now so I’m going to try my best not to regurgitate the same old stuff this year… let’s see if we can do something new.
For me it’s not so much about blogging anymore, it’s not even about YouTube… it’s everything all in one and each platform is different. So I’d love it if you followed me on the platforms that you enjoy whether that’s videos on YouTube, the occasional post on my blog, daily Instagram snaps and stories, ramblings and moaning on Snapchat [ lilypebbles ] or endless polls on Twitter. I might even do another Facebook Live this year if you wanna ‘like’ me on there.
So here’s to 2017, my seventh year of blogging! Thanks for sticking around, it means the world.
Coat: Jigsaw
Bag: Bvlgari
Photos by Lauren Shipley