The new Chanel Rouge Allure Glosses are b-e-a-utiful! I have a full review coming up this week, so check back to have a read. Until then, I’ll leave with you with this image of the most gorgeous packaging a lipgloss has ever seen. 

I still watch YouTube videos daily, I’m obsessed! During the past couple of weeks I’ve come across some great little videos, but here are two of my favourites. Casey Neistat talks us through his 8 year relationship. It’s beautifully edited, very real and just lovely and comforting. Claire, the queen of YouTube, uploaded this quite, snappy and cute fashion video. I just love her style! 

If you’re a huge fan of Busaba Eathai like I am then I’d really recommend getting the app. Usually these kind of apps are useless but theirs is really clever and handy! You can get discounts, find your nearest branch but best of all you can pay your bill via the app and leave without having to wait for a waitress and card machine. The app allows you to split the bill between friends and makes a quick visit even quicker! 

I’m currently in Paris hopefully having a great time! Hope you all have a lovely weekend.