WEEK #67

My week in photos for the 67th time. Highlights this week included meeting Amelia’s really cute dog Duke, discovering double filled Oreos and playing with my new camera lens. 
Sigma 30mm F1.4 lens  |  Sushi lunch  |  Double filled Oreos
Why I shouldn’t do the food shop  |  Sunny walk  |  Guacamole!
Bench buds  |  Shoreditch  |  Lost in the woods
Duke & Amelia’s beauty vanity  |  In my beauty bag  |  Love it!
Filming!  |  Giant Glossybox  |  Lunch at Union Jacks
Breakfast scrub love  |  Uh oh, I did  |  New Emma Hardie products
#TBT  |  More filming  |  Red Lip Friday

Follow me on Instagram @lilypebbles for daily photos!